Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Beginning of the End..

After a lot of thought, I finally decided to start blogging. I have been a regular blog-reader, and writing is not something i really enjoy. However, over the last couple of months, my laziness had reached new heights, and I have now got tired of being lazy. The good part, though, of being lazy is that it brings out all these new urges to do some extreme things, which you would normally not dare to think of when busy. I guess blogging is one of those many urges that was fortunate to materialize. Hoping that this post will mark an end to my laziness :). Time will tell.


Natasha said...

Welcome and nice to see the permanent damages of jetlag :P hehe. Will await more posts, please don't be another one hit wonder.

Parag said...

Laziness is a blessing in disguise :)

Keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you used to bug ppl with ur crazy humor speeches( a.k.a bittiPJs), now, you have started this in writing......gr8 work dude, keep us entertaining...with all the bittiPJs that come to ur mind, keep it posted...

Gud Luc!!

p.s: do u knw who i am?? if yes, u r gud at guessing:)

Tapasya said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! And, Happy Birthday !! God bless :)

Prahalad said...

Nice hobby to start on your b'day!

Karthik said...

Will post something tomm, just to avoid being a one hit wonder ;)

It sure is..

A clue wud be helpful. Too many fans for my PJs u see :)

@tapasya and plad,
thanks for the wishes.

dilip said...

'After a lot of thought, I finally decided to "read" ur blog' ...:)
I wondered your writing may not be as harmful as talking to you..So took the plunge..hehe..;-)
Welcome man to the gr8 world of blogosphere...Its never too late..:) Unlike the "anonymous" above i prefer not to have ur PJs here..:)
I am sure some interesting reads are awaiting us...Good Luck to all of "us" and good look to "U"..;)

Happy B'Day dude...

PS: BTW on a serious note, welcome maga eagerly waiting to read ur thoughts...:)